Pool Leaking? Here Are The Reasons You Want To Tackle That Pool Repair Right Away!

When it comes to water usage, pools can be tricky. Sure, you notice that the water has gone down a few inches, but is that due to a leak or because it was exceptionally hot last week? Maybe the nights have been dry and cool and the air is sucking more water from your pool? Or did the people at your party simply splash a lot of it out when you weren’t looking? With all of these variables, is it really that important to worry about some missing water?

If you go with Hipp Pools for your custom pool installation, you may never have a leak. We simply build them that well. But some of the customers we perform pool cleaning for didn’t have their pool built by us, meaning that there’s always the chance of a leak. If you’re noticing that your pool is losing water regularly for no discernable reason, it’s probably time to call for pool repair to get your leak repaired. It could be a problem with the plumbing or a structural problem with the pool itself.

But why should you even deal with it at all? Is it really a big deal that your pool is leaking? After all, it’s not that much water. The answer is yes, you should deal with the problem right away. Here are the typical ways that having a pool leak can affect your pool and your water bill.

The Water

A normal pool will lose between 1 to 2.5 inches of water per week due to evaporation in the Houston area. That might not seem like much, but you’ve got to think of it in terms of volume, not height. That 2.5 inches is multiplied across every square foot of your pool, so if you have a leak and you’re losing four or five inches a week, you’re just throwing that water away. This costs you money and wastes water. Getting your swimming pool repair taken care of can cut your water usage, save you money, and reduce the amount of water treatment required.

The Ground

One of the reasons that people go with custom pools from Hipp Pools is that they want their pool to perfectly fit both their home and their landscape. A traditional rectangle pool made of concrete often seems like an afterthought to most homes, which is why our pool design and installation always complements the surrounding area.

If you have a leak, that water has to go somewhere. Often it’s wearing away at the ground underneath your pool, which can cause erosion and lead to empty “potholes” under your pool. Not only can these lead to cracks in your pool, but it can also cause damage to the surrounding landscape, including soggy and dead spots in the grass. In a worst-case scenario, the problems caused by the leaking pool could expand to the house itself.


Once that dirt is gone due to leaks, the lack of support can cause cracks in the pool. But it can get even worse with a custom pool, because those cracks can end up on any swimming pool water features such as rocks, fountains, and waterfalls.

Unfortunately, a small crack in a pool can get worse quickly. Cracks let in more water, which leads to more erosion, which leaves less support and leads to more cracks. It just gets worse faster and faster. When this happens, it’s the kind of pool slide you don’t want!

Contact Hipp Pools At The First Sign of Trouble

If you get weekly pool service from Hipp Pools, it’s likely that we’ll notice any problems with your pool. We’ll be able to monitor water usage and look for cracks as we’re cleaning. Sure, you’re using your pool more often than we’re there, but making full use a pool cleaning service keeps a professional eye on it from week to week.

If you suspect you have a leak, don’t delay pool repair. Small problems can get out of hand quickly, and they could lead to big problems down the line like those we detailed above.  Give Hipp Pools a call at the first sign of trouble.




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